Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Medical Expert Witness Can Help You Win Your Case

  1. These days it seems that almost anything that is in dispute makes it into court, and resolved by a judge. The main disputes that make it to court include such things as malpractice, car accidents, personal injury and damage to property. If the case that you are involved in ends up in court it would be wise, if appropriate, to use the services of a medical expert witness
  2. Most court cases will benefit a testimony made by an expert. However, they do not always have to be medical experts. It will help your case if you can get an expert in the appropriate field to backup your case.
  3. If you are fighting, or defending, a case of medical malpractice, your chances would improve greatly if you did have a medical expert supporting your case. A medical malpractice suit is when you allege that someone in the medical profession of being either negligent or lax in their duties. This would include situations where you did not receive suitable post treatment care, and this resulted in you suffering more pain, or a relapse.
  4. The purpose of using a specialist is so that they can prove, or disprove, the nature of the claim. This means that the expert must be a specialist in the exact field that the claim revolves around. They should also be able to support the evidence that they will be giving. This could take the form of research that has been completed by other people in the field. The reason for this is that when somebody can support and verify their evidence, the judge and jury will have the knowledge to reach a well-informed verdict.
  5. If you have been injured in some form of an accident, such as an automobile accident, or a fall whilst in a public area, a medical expert will definitely help you win your case. A lot of courts see these kinds of claims as just a way for the victim to make money. However, if the injury is serious, and you do need to pay for medical treatment, using an expert witness will help you convince the jury that your claim is genuine, and help you win the claim.
  6. When you choose your witness you must ensure they are held in high regard by their peers. They should also be a specialist in the type of injury that you are making the claim upon. When they arrive in court they must be equipped with all the facts and figures about similar injuries, and proof that they have been caused as a result of actions taken, or not, by the defendants.
  7. Another skill of the witness that will be to your advantage is if they can explain their findings in a way that the members of the jury can understand. If the judge and the jury do not understand what they are being told it could harm your case. However, if they simplify it too much they might not be seen as a true expert.
  8. It is not uncommon for the prosecuting and defense counsels to have pre-compiled lists of people whom they can call upon as needed. By doing this it means that they are used to working with them, and know their strengths and weaknesses. So making use of a medical expert witness, and their field of expertise, can strengthen your case and influence its outcome.

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